California State Assembly Passes Bill to Incentivize Plant-Based Food in Schools


Photo: Jonathan Borba

California State Assembly Passes Bill to Incentivize Plant-Based Food in Schools

Photo: Jonathan Borba

Schoolchildren deserve healthy food, instead of food that contributes to diet-related disease and environmental destruction.

California already requires vegan options in hospitals, health facilities, and state prisons, and now the California State Assembly has passed AB 479, a bill that provides incentives for plant-based options in California schools.

Farm Sanctuary members sent over 1,000 emails to their CA assembly members in support of this bill.

As the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) points out, “Kids’ early eating experiences can affect how they eat as they get older. That’s why it’s so important to introduce them to healthy foods from the very beginning.”

Our food choices and consumption patterns have profound impacts on ourselves and the earth, and our current system is causing enormous harm. AB 479 will encourage much-needed reforms that support human health and environmental responsibility.

AB 479 will next be heard in the State Senate. Please stay tuned for more opportunities to take action and encourage this bill to pass.

There is no cholesterol in foods that come from plants.